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The N8PWM shack is gorowing quite a bit. Added a Heathkit tuner and SB-220 amplifier. Now that the shack is on the first floor, I am able to do more with it. I am also venturing into remote operation with

It's nice having a window!

The station equipment consists of the following

YAESU FT-101E Transceiver
YAESU FT-900 Transceiver
YAESU FT-100 Transceiver
YAESU FT-817 QRP Transceiver
ICOM IC-1020 VHF Transceiver
ICOM IC-745 Transceiver
Heathkit HW-8 QRP Transceiver
Hammerlund HQ-170 Receiver
Heathkit SB-220 Linear Amplifier
ICOM SM-6 Desk Mic
Radio Shack HTX-10 for 10 Meter FM
Heathkit SA-2040 Antenna Tuner
MFJ Versa Tuner II
MFJ Electronic Keyer
Bencher Iambic Paddle
J-38 Telegraph Key
J-37 Telegraph Key
CALF CW Audio Filter
YACC Mini Memory Keyer
D-104 Lollypop Microphone

Lots of other goodies!

Page Design by Paul G0HWC